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Introducing "Butterfly Beauty!"

Your Go To Tips & Tricks For All Your Lupus Self Care Needs!

I am going to cut it to you straight.

I may not be able to control my lupus, but I can control how much blush I put on.

I know this may sound ridiculous to some, but makeup is and always has been one component of my lupus self care routine that helps give me an edge. Why? Well, living with this unpredictable disease, where I have very little authority over how I feel, how my lab tests present, what symptoms may flare - makeup allows me to “control the controllable's.” It is something that, over the last 29 years of living with lupus, I have found helpful even on the smallest level to make me feel like a part of the land of the living.

Now, as you have probably heard me say numerous times before on social media - wear makeup, don't wear makeup; do your hair, don’t do your hair; where real pants, where pajama doesn’t matter. You do what is going to make you feel most confident on the inside, because inner beauty and confidence shines from the inside out. I choose to wear makeup not to impress anybody or to help me “Keep Up With The Kardashians,” but because it is a part of my lupus self care routine. Having had lupus since the dinosaurs roamed the earth, I need every tool I can get my hands on to put in my lupus tool box to set myself up for success, and I don’t know about you, but most days, I feel less like a “Kardashian” and more like an extra on “The Walking Dead.”

Throughout my lupus journey, I have picked up some self care tips and tricks, some products that I love, some easy self-care makeup routines, and more - that I will be sharing with you here on Butterfly Beauty, the More Than Lupus YouTube Channel. These videos are aimed to be fun and informative, and geared specifically for the lupus girl or guy on the go.

I hope you take a moment and watch Butterfly Beauty, because who knows, maybe a little self care is exactly what YOU need to give you an extra boost of confidence and be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Fly high beautiful~


Kelli is a lupus advocate, award-winning blogger, and community liaison. She is also a 29 year lupus survivor. After working with various lupus nonprofits for several years, she created More Than Lupus as a place where those who were just diagnosed, or those who have been living with lupus for decades - can connect, grow, and inspire others through the peaks and valleys of their lupus journey. Kelli lives in Portland with her husband Nick, son Luca, and dog Jax.

**All resources provided by this blog are for informational purposes only, not to replace the advice of a medical professional. Kelli encourages you to always contact your medical provider with any specific questions or concerns regarding your illness. All intellectual property and content on this site and in this blog is owned by This includes materials protected by copyright, trademark, or patent laws. Copyright, More Than Lupus 2020.

September 2020

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