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Your voice matters and makes a difference.

Join More Than Lupus and their efforts to be a voice and influencer to increase lupus awareness and funding on a national scale.

May is Lupus Awareness Month!  We have several opportunities for you to bring awareness to lupus through our events and fundraising efforts. 

Image by Louis Velazquez

"We know that without government funding there is no lupus research, and without research, there will be no cure."

Image by Joshua Sukoff

A Mission on a National Scale

In a Nation where 2/3rd's of its people know little to nothing about a disease that affects more people than muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis - combined, it is detrimental to our cause to amplify the lupus patient's voice!  Every person has the right and responsibility to lift their concerns to their local and national representatives.  At MTL, we take that call very seriously.  We know that without government funding there is no lupus research, and without research, there will be no cure. That is why we have joined the efforts advocating for more federal funding to be allocated to the National Institute of Health and the CDMRP's Lupus Research Program.  Additionally, any legislation that may affect access to care, or research initiatives that may limit quality of care, are carefully analyzed and advocated for (or against) through our patient lense. It is our mission to continue to collaborate with National and Grassroots organizations and "fight the good fight" as we represent the collective "Lupus Patient Voice" for those who feel unheard and unrepresented in the community

Image by Marco Krenn

Click on image below to view additional media interviews and an update from the work on Capital Hill.

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16200 SW Pacific Highway Suite H #121

Portland, OR 97224

© 2025 More Than Lupus

The More Than Lupus Foundation is a  Oregon registered 501 c(3) non-profit incorporation that is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. 

Site designed by APEX Creative.

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