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CBD & Me! My Favorite CBD Products for Lupus

"As a lupus blogger and social media influencer, rarely do I come across a subject that is more of a “hot topic” than the use of cannabis. "

I can’t tell you the countless times it has come up during our in-person support groups and Lupus Facebook Live Chats. Being a lupus patient myself, it has been an area that, to be honest, I have felt the least comfortable speaking on - not because I find the subject taboo, but because of my lack of experience with it.

However, recently I have invested time in trying a few different products after my rheumatologist suggested I try CBD for my joint pain.

"Yes, my medical doctor was the one who encouraged me to try CBD."

This blog is for anyone, who like me, is new to the CBD world and is looking for product recommendations, as well as, facts about what it is, how it works, and how to use it safely.

Let’s Start With The Basics: What is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a flowering plant that contains three species: sativa, indica and ruderalis. Millions of people are believed to use cannabis all over the world, for its medical benefits and as a recreational drug. Cannabis has many different names, but is most often referred to as marijuana - which are the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. There are two main ingredients in the cannabis/marijuana plant: cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both CBD and THC belong to a unique class of compounds known as cannabinoids, however, they act very differently. THC is what gives a person the sensation of being “high” and is the principal psychoactive component responsible for alterations in mood, perception and consciousness. On the other hand, CBD is used as an analgesic, an anti-inflammatory, and for anxiety, but there are no psychoactive effects or “high.”

How Can It Help?

Cannabis has been used as an alternative/holistic medicine in many cultures for thousands of years. In fact, the first usage by humans dates as far back to at least the third millennium BCE in written history, and possibly even further back according to archaeological discoveries. Personal testimonies throughout history have reported that cannabis helps with sleep, anxiety, PTSD, depression, nausea, and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, cachexia in HIV/AIDS patients, pain in multiple sclerosis, and has even helped with epileptic seizures. People are drawn to cannabis for its low rate of addiction, and little to no side effects compared to traditional western medicine.

How can cannabis help with lupus? Cannabidiol (CBD) is believed to interact with receptors in your brain and even possibly in the immune system. According to neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle Ross, CBD is an effective way to manage pain without many of the adverse side effects seen with prescription drugs. It is also believed to decrease inflammation.

However, there really hasn’t been conclusive evidence in clinical trials to determine the long term benefits or risks of using CBD. Most information that is available is considered “anecdotal evidence” since studies are few in the medical communities. Be that as it may, many patients swear by CBD’s ability to help with sleep, pain, anxiety, and more.

How Can I Try It?

Being a novice at all things cannabis, I decided my first experience trying CBD would have to be with a company that I know and trust. That is why I turned to my friends at LupaVita. This company is dedicated to improving the lives of those living with lupus, and advocating for their needs. When LupaVita came out with LupaVitaCBD I was intrigued. So I investigated, and tried their CBD product and loved it. Unfortunately, LupaVita decided to discontinue making the tincture due to the economic recession prompted by the global pandemic.

After that, I decided to try products from another source that I love and trust, Perfectly Posh. Perfectly Posh is a company based in Utah (all products are made in the USA) that uses only naturally sourced ingredients. They offer a variety of self-care items including, bath bombs, all natural soaps, vegan face masks, lotions, and more! I love Perfectly Posh because their items are safe, cruelty free, and paraben free. And OH MY POSH they smell sooooo good!

They also offer several CBD products. Here are few that I have tried and love:

  • “Cann I Be” Meltdown Tension Melting Body Lotion: This is a 150mg full spectrum CBD oil with non-psychoactive properties. It calms stress, relaxes muscles, and has a wonderful “spa-like” eucalyptus and mint scent. I put this on my wrists, neck, and lower back before I go to bed.

  • “Cann I Be” Green Goddess: 30 mg Full Spectrum Bath Bomb. This is a relaxing and soothing addition to your bath. I would use one of these every night if I could!

  • Cann I Be" So Extra: 1,000 mg Full Spectrum Oil. This is a high potency oil to soothe stressed skin and mood. You can apply this oil directly to your skin or even put a drop of this tincture under your tongue.

My Experience

To be completely transparent, I probably would have NEVER tried CBD if it wasn’t for LupaVita and Perfectly Posh. I am so glad I put my skepticism to rest!

Knowing that hemp contains excellent nutritional value, and that these products are non-psychoactive, and also eco-friendly - has made me feel entirely more confident in using them. If CBD is something that you have felt too “green” to try (pun intended) consider talking to your doctor about it. And when you are ready, you have this product information as a resource!

Email Krista Ward at for more Posh product information, specials, and more!

Disclaimer: It is always best to speak to your doctor before trying any supplement including CBD lotions and tinctures. Every lupus patient is different, and cannabis may increase the effects of other drugs that cause drowsiness, including antidepressants, alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives (used to treat insomnia), pain relievers, anxiety medicines, seizure medicines, and muscle relaxants.

Article By:

Kelli Roseta

Kelli Roseta is a lupus advocate, award-winning blogger, 29 year lupus survivor, and the creator of the nonprofit, More Than Lupus. The mission of More Than Lupus is to provide programs and support for those living with lupus, advocate for their needs, and collaborate with other government and lupus organizations to improve quality of life, and (ultimately) a cure.

**All resources provided by this blog are for informational purposes only, not to replace the advice of a medical professional. Kelli encourages you to always contact your medical provider with any specific questions or concerns regarding your illness. All intellectual property and content on this site and in this blog is owned by This includes materials protected by copyright, trademark, or patent laws. Copyright, More Than Lupus 2020.

October 2020


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