The Lupus Encyclopedia
By: Dr. Donald E. Thomas, Jr., M.D., FACT, FACR The Lupus Encyclopedia is an authoritative compendium that provides detailed explanations of every body system potentially affected by the disease, along with practical advice about coping. People with lupus, their loved ones, caregivers, and medical professionals—all will find here an invaluable resource. Illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and tables, The Lupus Encyclopedia explains symptoms, diagnostic methods, medications and their potential side effects, and when to seek medical attention. Dr. Donald Thomas provides information for women who wish to become pregnant and advises readers about working with a disability, complementary and alternative medicine, infections, cancer, and a host of other topics.
When Lupus Throws You for a Loop is a handbook for those newly diagnosed, lupus veterans, and those who love them. It takes you on a journey to acceptance acknowledging the difficulty of incorporating lupus into your life. You learn ways to communicate effectively, live with unpredictability, imperfection, stress, and loss of control. You learn to read your body’s signals, enhance your relationships regarding intimacy, and increase your positivity and resilience.

"Lupus and scleroderma are our shadows but they do not define us. We may have to wear the ugly dresses of chronic illness but we don't have to be the ugly dresses." -- Linda and Karen
If you are experiencing a long-term illness or disability, this book is for you -- as well as your family and friends. The authors share a collection of deeply personal stories and poetry to describe their journey from illness to health, well-being, and fruitful living. Their creative life management strategies provide a road map to help you:
overcome overwhelming feelings of loss, grief, anger, fear, and powerlessness;
navigate a healthcare system filled with individuals who can be patronizing or dismissive;
field well-intentioned but hurtful remarks such as, "But you look so good!"
walk the tightrope between seeking and accepting help and fiercely guarding your independence.

“Whether you are newly diagnosed with lupus or you have had the disease for decades, The Lupus Diet Plan is a must-have addition to your cooking and lifestyle book collection. The Lupus Diet Plan provides an excellent narrative that outlines easy ways to establish healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices while explaining the science behind the food.” - Kelli Roseta

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